2019 V-Day San José State University

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V-Day @ 菠菜网lol正规平台 Presents... 
A Benefit Production of the Award Winning Play, “The 阴道独白”

The award-winning play is based on V-Day Founder Eve Ensler's interviews with more 超过200名女性. With humor and grace the piece celerates women's sexuality and strength, while combating violence 对妇女.

All sales (tickets, chocolates, t-shirts, buttons) will be donated! 

  • 45% to AACI Asian Women's 首页
  • 45% to YWCA Rape Crisis Center
  • 10% to Global Vday Movement 


  • Thursday February 14th, 2019
  • Friday February 15th, 2019
  • Saturday February 16th, 2019

门s open: 6:30pm |  Show: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
@ 学生会 Theatre


Student Tickets - $5
General Tickets - $10

Student Tickets - $10
General Tickets - $15

Click here to buy tickets!

Questions or concerns contact sjsuvday@gmail.com

Content Warning: The 阴道独白 does contain content referencing sexual assault, violcne 对妇女, and trans individuals, sexually explicit material, and some 说脏话.


What are The 阴道独白?

The New York Times called The 阴道独白,可能是。  most important piece of political theater of  过去的十年." The play - first performed Off-Broadway and in locations around 世界/ Ms. Ensler - dives into the mystery, humor, pain, power, wisdom, outrage and excitement in women’s experiences.   情人节  grew out of the play which exploded onto the scene in 1998, breaking taboos about women’s sexuality and shattering silence around violence d一个 to women and girls.  


V-Day is a global activist movement to end violence 对妇女 and girls that raises funds and awareness through benefit productions of Playwright/Founder Eve Ensler¹s award winning play The 阴道独白 and other artistic works. 胜利日运动 has raised over $100 million; educated millions about the issue of violence against women and the efforts to end it; crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns; reopened shelters; and funded over 13,000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Kenya, and Iraq. 情人节已经 received numerous acknowledgements and awards and is, 一个 of the Top-Rated organizations on both Charity Navigator and Guidestar. 情人节已经 launched another movement - ONE BILLION RISING, a global campaign that has galvanized over 一个 billion women and men on a global day of action towards ending violence 对妇女 and girls.

V-Day’s work is grounded in 4 core beliefs:

  • Art has the power to transform thinking and inspire people to act.
  • Lasting social and cultural change is spread by ordinary people doing extraordinary 的事情.
  • Local women best know what their communities need and can become unstoppable leaders.
  • One must look at the intersection of race, class, and gender to understand violence 对妇女.